Monday 3 September 2012

Blackberries are green when they're red

I learned that wise bit of information from my dad. My dad and I thought that it was funny too.

Whenever the land near the path is untended, it is full of blackberry bushes. Their canes flop onto the path. The truth is that blackberries are slowing down my progress. I was thinking today about those desserts in ritzy restaurants that have a little something or another topped with one blackberry, one raspberry and one blue blueberry and a few swirls of sauce. That is lovely but I prefer this one.

Pilgrims in medieval times traditionally carried a scallop shell as a little plate or bowl. It became the sign of the pilgrim.


  1. Wonderful to chat today. Nice pictures. I sent you an email about finding older pictures on camera roll.

  2. Loved your words and your pictures. What a lovely reason to slow down.

  3. love the shell 'plate' - so practical and also so beautiful!

  4. Beautiful. I'm so happy to hear your stories as you go. I can just see you know in my mind jumping into the child within as you savor the berries with such joy.-Cheryl Adams

  5. Beautiful! I can just see you now in my mind's eye, savoring the berries fully within your child self and cherishing every moment.-Cheryl Adams

  6. LOL I'll figure this thing out soon ;)
