Saturday 8 September 2012

Persistent plodding pays does laughing with friends

After the blistering heat of yesterday, my new friend from Denmark came up with the idea that we would get up early, eat protein for breakfast and hit the camino by 6 or 6:30 in the cool darkness. That is just what we did, walking up hill for 3 or 4 km. The stars and half moon guided our way. I do puff a little but I have found a pace that allows me to keep going. I am always overwhelmed with gratitude that I can do it all...what with atrial fib treatment and the bariatric surgery that has helped me lose 100 pounds or more, I believe that I truly understand the meaning of grace. I decided to ask Joanie to call my doctors and tell them about my current accomplishment of walking 194 km in 9 days.

Chatting with new friends and listening to their stories make the trail seem shorter.

Miguel, a spanish aero engineer currently working in Zurich, was a fine walking companion this morning. Behind us on the ground, was a circular stone spiral maze. Why do we humans like to pick up stones and rearrange them?

Jean-Francois from Quebec, Jeanette from Denmark, and I enjoyed a game today as we walked along. We call it TRUE OR FALSE. One person tells a story about their lives and when finished the others guess whether it was fact or fiction. Today I felt like I was a character from Canterbury Tales.


  1. One big and well-deserved "Tak" to Jeanette who I note also just happens to be an educator. Now Education: there's a field for Believe It Or Not yakking, eh? Tak. Post Scriptum: Nice smile there, BA!

  2. Would have been fun to eavesdrop! Maybe this blog will become a book...

  3. Yes a book!
    The stone spiral might be part of a type of ceremony. Walking to the left undo's what is not needed and walking to the right brings in what is needed.

  4. Or perhaps a labyrinth - with its more than 3000 years of history.
