Wednesday 19 September 2012

How to carry a torch for a lost love

Today I crossed the puente de Orbigo, the longest bridge on the camino. In 1434, por Don Suerno de Quinones was rejected by a lady. He took it hard and put an iron collar around his neck and vowed to keep it on until he had defeated 300 knights....until he had broken 300 lances

This story is believed by some to have inspired Cervantes to create Don Quixote.

By the way, Don Suerno did take off the iron collar and he went to Santiago and gave an expensive bracelet to the cathedral where it still adorns a statue.

Love and lost love are tricky things. It is sometimes hard to know when, if, whether we are over it?

Meanwhile the sun rises.


  1. Why so much bridge for so little river? A big dam to the north opened in 1956 cut the river flow. Magnificent puente pics. Wow!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love like the bridge connects two people but sometimes the river they built their love over dries up. Some bridges still remain others crumble.

  4. Following you sweetie. My Mum would have been so interested in your travels. Chris

  5. pps my substitute is the Yorkshire moors and Dalesway. You will have to try it next. It is magnificent.

  6. We are all connected. The idea of separation is an illusion. How we are connected is our choice and realizing that we are connected is the first step

  7. Attachment is fear's attempt to prove our separation. I believe we are all learning how to choose how we are connected. If we are all mirrors for each other what image will you project to attract the reflection you desire. I am so grateful for having such an intelligent, innovative, strong and beautiful mother.

  8. What a charming monument to the river that was.
