Monday 17 September 2012

Places I Have Left Behind

Travel can be therapeutic and instructive...if only to point out places you would rather avoid.

In Spain when you enter a town the name appears on a sign in a conventional way. When you leave the same name appears but this time has a red slash through it, as if to say, "Enough of this place" or perhaps "I'm finished with you."

One does wonder about the implications of settling down permanently in Revenga...or perhaps it is better just to keep on walking.

The award for nasty place names visited on this trip is unquestionably, Carrion de Los Condes but at least it is accompanied by a good story. It seems that El CID married of a few of his daughters to counts living in the region and heard reports that they were being mistreated by their new husbands. According to legend he swept in, killed the counts and had their bodies tied to trees, leaving carrion for the condors.


  1. Not one of your lighter stories, but rather enjoyable for the mystery element.

  2. Thanks for the historical bits 'n' pieces and reflections. Great early a.m. trying-to-catch-your-shadow pic. You're sure getting fleet of foot, taking things in smart stride.

  3. Lol, Well now you know what you do if I marry the wrong guy;)
    (which won't happen of course) -Cheryl
