Wednesday 12 September 2012

Bread...there's a lot to think about

I walked today through the yellow stubble fields that reminded me of my childhood. The grain harvest already completed, the fields lay quiet. Even the soil itself seemed familiar, grayish-brown and dusty when dry...not that showy red or black soil...just good plain honest soil that will grow anything.

The central high plains in Spain fed a lot of the Roman Empire. Does bread allow empire and exploitation. Do cheap carbs create political and social imbalances. As you can surmise, I have a lot of time to think.

Bread seems so universal, so essential...yet to folks like me...a substance to be watched. When bread is presented at home, my mind always asked the question,"Is it worth it?"

In Spain they love their pane (pronounced pan eh). It is always white. It dominates the sandwich. It dries out quickly and they fry it up and make it into garlic soup. Yes, bread is a substance to be watched.

I climbed a steep hill to get this photo of the grain fields.

At the top I looked pretty sweaty.


A Spanish farmer tills his field.

I am off to the next town and I will try to make a sensible decision regarding lunch. If I choose a face.


  1. I agree so much about being careful with bread. It has been so much easier to curb hunger for me if I curb the bread. Oh how I love it though!

  2. When I see the farmer tilling his land it looks the same as home. It also reminds me of the story you told me about your dad out walking the land.

  3. I am enjoying your entries very much and look forward to the next adventure. Your photos are beautiful!
