Sunday 16 September 2012

Just me and my shadow

One of the great parts of the camino is being outside most of the day....being recalibrated to the rhythms of each day. I particularly like striding along with my tall shadow in the early morning.

I walk predominantly west so I chase my shadow all morning and he shrinks a little with every passing minute. I am learning to estimate the time by looking at my shadow.

The morning light was so sharp, I made these self portraits.



  1. There is only one word for these pictures Barbara , Magical ! Thanks again for sharing your real Magical Mystery Tour.

  2. Where's the 'like like like' button? XO

  3. These are possibly the best pictures you have done yet! Wow. Beautiful, magical and so creative. Thank you for sharing

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Matt says " Shades of Indiana Jones"
